Social safety as a criterion for the effectiveness of social policy: theoretical aspect, methodological principles of evaluation and reality in Ukraine


Yurchyk Halyna1ORCID


1. Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Human Resources and entrepreneurship, National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering


The unresolved and aggravated social problems and risks in Ukraine necessitate the search for approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the social policy. Based on the generalization and critical analysis of existing scientific developments, it has been proved that one of the criteria for the effectiveness of social policy can be the level of social safety. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is to develop a methodological framework for assessing the effectiveness of national social policy based on the level of social safety. On the basis of the conducted research, it has been established that today there is no single methodology for assessing the level of social security in science. They can be divided into methods of survey, observation, and comparison of indicators, as well as integrated evaluation. In Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy calculates the level of social safety based on the integrated assessment method. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of all indicators of social safety under current methods and suggests ways to modify them to increase the objectivity of the results. Based on the calculations, it is proved that the effectiveness of national social policy in terms of the level of social safety, which is calculated according to the author’s approach, is much lower.


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