1. 1) 土木技術者のための振動便覧, 土木学会, 第11章, 1985.
2. 2) Sakai, F.: Vibration Analysis of Fluid-Solid Systems, Proc. U. S. -Japan Seminar on Interdisciplinary Finite Element Analysis, Cornell University, New York, 1978.
3. 3) Au, M. C. and Brebbia, C. A.: Water wave Analysis, Topics in Boundary Element Research, Edited by C. A. Brebbia, Volume 1. Basic Principles and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 1984.
4. 4) Wrobel, L. C., Sphaier, S. H. and Esperan ça, P. T. T.: Propagation of Surface Waves, Topics in Boundary Element Research, Edited by C. A. Brebbia, Volume 2. Time-dependent and Vibration Problems, Springer-Verlag, 1984.
5. 5) たとえば Boundary Elements VII, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference, Villa Olmo, Lake Como, Italy, September 1985, Editors: C. A. Brebbia, G. Maier Vol. I and II, Springer-Verlag が最新のものであるが, 毎年シンポジウムは開催されており, 流体のみでなく非常に広範な分野を含んでいる.