1. 1) Japanese Road Association: Specifications for Highway Bridges (JSHB), Feb. 1980.
2. 2) British Standards Institution: BS 5400, Steel concrete and composite bridges, Part 3, Code of practice for design of steel bridges, April 1982.
3. 3) Deutscher Ausschuß für Stahlbau: DASt Ri-012, Beulsicherheits nachweise für Platten, Okt. 1978.
4. 4) Federal Highway Administration Office of Research and Development: Proposed Design Specifications for Steel Box Girder bridges, Final Report, No. FHWA-TS-80-2025, January 1980.
5. 5) Little, G. H.: Square Box Sections-Experimental Behavior under Combined Bending and Compression, Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 165-176, 1978.