1. 1) Public Works Institute: Design Handbook of Orthotropic Steel Deck, Public Works Institute data, No. 399, July 1968.
2. 2) Group for Investigation of Advancement in Bridge Deck Construction, Subcommittee for Investigation of Advancement, Committee of Steel Construction: Development and Status Quo of Steel Decks, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 67. 9, pp. 34-40, Sept. 1982.
3. 3) Hoashi, Fukui and Asahi: Construction of Orthotropic Steel Deck Taking into Account its Pavement, the Bridges and Foundations, Feb. 1980.
4. 4) Honshu Shikoku Bridge Corporation: Design Guidelines for Orthotropic Steel Deck and its Commentary, Apr. 1989.
5. 5) Subcommittee of Orthotropic Steel Deck Fatigue, Committee of Steel Construction: Fatigue of Orthotropic Steel Deck, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No. 410/I-12, pp. 25-36, Oct. 1989.