1. 1) KBS: Handling of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Final Storage of Vitrified High Level Reprocessing Waste, 1978.
2. 2) Burns, F. L.: Sealing Nuclear Repositories, The State Waste Isolation in the U.S. and Eleswhere Advocacy Programs and Public Communications, Waste Management ANS Tropical Meeting '81, pp. 851-864, 1981.
3. 3) Rockwell Hanford Operations Energy Systems Group: Basalt Waste Isolation Project Annual Report-Fiscal Year 1979, Rockwell International, 1979.
4. 4) Frobenius, P.: The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico, ROCK STORE 80, 1980.
5. 5) Scott, J. S.: Canadion Geoscience Research and Design Concepts for Disposal of High-Level Waste in Igneous Rocks, Int. Conf. Radioactive Waste Management, IAEA, Vienna, Vol. I, pp. 413-442, 1980.