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2. 2) Battista, C., Penneta, L. and Romanazzi, L.: A Preliminary Analysis of Failures around the Built-up Area of Calabritto, Irpinia, Activated by the Earthquake of November 23, 1980, Proc. International Symposium on Engineering Geology Problems in Seismic Areas, Vol. 2, pp. 405-416, 1986.
3. 3) Cotecchia, V. and Del Prete, M.: The Reactivation of Large Flows in the Parts of Southern Italy Affected by the Earthquake of November 1983, with Reference to the Evolution Mechanism, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Landslides, Toronto, pp. 33-38, 1984.
4. 4) Cotecchia, V. and Del Prete, M.: Considerations on Stability of Old Landslide in the Historic Center of Grassano After the Earthquake of 23 November 1980, Preprint to the International Symposium on Engineering Geology Problems in Seismic Areas, Bari, Italy, 1986.
5. 5) Cotecchia, V., Lenti, V., Salvemini, A. and Spilotro, G.: Reactivation of the Large Buoninventre Slide by the Irpinia Earthquake of 23 November, Preprint to the International Symposium on Engineering Geology Problems in Seismic Areas, Ban, Italy, 1986.