1. 1) Shell International Petreleum Company Limited, Shell Pavement Design Manual, 1978.
2. 2) Carl L. Monithmith, F. N. Finn, Flexible Pavement Design, ASCE (TE), 1977.
3. 3) 柔性路面設計規範, 中国人民交通出版社, 1987.
4. 4) J. B. Rauhute, Comparision of VESES II M Predictions to Brampton/AASHO Performance Measurements, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, 1977.
5. 5) 菅原照雄ら, アスファルト混合物の力学性状について, 土木学会論文報告集, No. 207, pp. 73-81, 1972.