Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Education,Cultural Studies
Reference9 articles.
1. 1) 中野晋,宇野宏司,高西春二 : 九州北部豪雨災害による各種事業所の被害と対応,第50回自然災害科学総合シンポジウム講演論文集,pp. 42-46,2013. [Nakano, S., Uno, K. and Takanishi, S. : Damage to Various Business Sites and Their Responses to the Heavy Rain Disaster in Northern Kyushu, Proceedings of the Symposium on Natural Disaster Science, No. 50, pp. 42-46., 2013. ]
2. 2) 中野晋,宇野宏司,照本清峰,高西春二:豪雨災害時の学校防災管理の課題と対策,土木学会論文集F6(安全問題),Vol. 69,No. 2,pp. I_147-I_152,2013. [Nakano, S., Uno, K., Terumoto, K. and Takanishi, S.: Problems of disaster management in a school for flood disaster, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F6 (Safety Problem), Ver. 36, No. 2, pp. I_147-I_152, 2013.]
3. 3) 中野晋,鳥庭康代,三上卓,武藤裕則:2014年台風12・11号による学校・保育所での浸水被害と復旧対応,土木学会論文集F6(安全問題),Vol. 71,No. 2,pp. I_139-I_146,2015. [Nakano, S., Toriniwa, Y., Mikami, T. and Muto Y. : Flood damage and restoration at a school and a day-care center by the Typhoon No. 12 and No. 11 of 2014., Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F6 (Safety Problem), Ver. 71, No. 2, pp. I_139-I_146, 2015.]
4. 4) 鳥庭康代,中野晋,金井純子,泉谷依那:2015年東・東北豪雨による常総市内での学校・保育所等の浸水被害と再開までの取組み,土木学会論文集F6(安全問題),Vol. 72,No. 2,pp. I_47-I_52,2016. [Toriniwa, Y., Nakano, S., Kanai, J. and Izutani, E.: flood damage and restoration at a school and a day-care center in joso city by 2015 September heavy rainfall disaster, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F6 (Safety Problem), Ver. 72, No. 2, pp. I_47-I_52, 2016.]
5. 5) 中野晋,金井純子,高橋真理,藤澤一仁,山城真吾:前線性集中豪雨発生時における学校の安全管理の課題~2017年九州北部豪雨の事例分析~,土木学会論文集F6(安全問題),Vol. 74,No. 2,pp. I_77-I_84,2018. [Nakano, S., Kanai, J., Takahashi, M., Fujisawa, K. and Yamashiro, S. : Issues on school safety management at the time of frontal concentrated heavy rainfall - Case analysis of the northern kyushu heavy rain in 2017 –, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F6 (Safety Problem), Ver. 74, No. 2, pp. I_77-I_84, 2018. ]