1. 1) Tokida, K., Oda, K., Nabeshima, Y., and Egawa, Y.: Influence of Road Damage on Road performance in Mid Niigata Earthquake, Proc. of JSCE Kansai Branch Annual Meeting, May 2005 (in Japanese).
2. 2) Tokida, K., Oda, K., Nabeshima, Y., and Egawa, Y.: Relationship between Seismic Intensity and Damage of Road Facilities in Mid Niigata Earthquake, Proc. of 60th JSCE Annual Meeting, September 2005 (in Japanese).
3. 3) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, Road Department: Mid Niigata Earthquake in 2004, First report, December 2004 (in Japanese).
4. 4) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, Nagaoka Road Office: Mid Niigata Earthquake in 2004. First report, February 2005 (in Japanese).
5. 5) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau website (http://www.hrr.mlit.go.jp/saigai/H161023/1023_top.html)