1. 1) ステンレス協会ホームページ,https://www.jssa.gr.jp/contents/(2023.02 閲覧)[Website of the Stainless Steel Association of Japan, https://www.jssa.gr.jp/contents/ (Viewed February 2023)]
2. 2) 経済産業省ホームページ,https://www.meti.go.jp/statistics/sei/tekkousei/index.html(2023.08閲覧)[Website of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, https://www.meti.go.jp/statistics/sei/tekkousei/index.html (Viewed August 2023)]
3. 3) European Committee for Standardization and CEN. Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures, Part 1-4: General rules – Supplementary rules for stainless steels, EN 1993-1-4, CEN, 2015.
4. 4) ステンレス建築構造設計基準作成委員会 編:ステンレス建築設計基準・同解説,ステンレス構造建築協会,2001. [Committee for the Preparation of Standards for the Design of Stainless Steel Building Structures, ed.: Stainless Steel Building Design Standards and Commentary, Stainless Steel Building Association of Japan, 2001.]
5. 5) 日本鋼構造協会:JSSCテクニカルレポート No. 108 ステンレス鋼土木構造物の設計・施工指針(案),日本鋼構造協会,2015. [JSSC: JSSC Technical report No. 108 Design and Construction for Stainless Steel Structures -Draft-, JSSC, 2015.].