Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Reference2 articles.
1. 1) 今本啓一:コンクリートの表層透気試験方法の現状と課題,コンクリート工学,Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 606-613,2015.1. [Imamoto, K.: Current Status and Problems of Surface Permeability Test Method for Concrete, Concrete Journal, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 606-613, 2015.1.]
2. 2) 松葉, 塚本, 渡邉:舗装路面の止水性能の評価に向けた現場透気試験の改良,土木学会第70回年次学術講演会 pp. 683-684,2015.9. [Matsuba, N. et. al: Improvement of on-site air permeability test to evaluate water stopping performance of paved road surfaces, Proceedings of the 70th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 70, pp. 683-684, 2015.9.]