Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Reference6 articles.
1. 1) 大塚耕司:海洋バイオマス資源の有効利用について,日本海水学会誌,第75巻第4号,pp. 194-197,2021. [Otsuka K.: Utilization of Marine Biomass Resources, Bull. Soc. Water Sci., Jpn., pp. 194-197, 2021.]
2. 2) 宮田勉,鈴木裕己:未利用・低利用魚介類資源の利用意義・発生要因・流通改善に関する一考察:先行研究レビューおよび事例分析によるアプローチ,沿岸域学会誌,Vol. 35,No. 3,pp. 17-26,2022. [Miyata T. and Suzuki H.: A consideration on significances of utilization, generated factors and improving distributions for unutilized and underutilized resources as seafood: an approach based on review of previous research and analysis of cases, Journal of Coastal Zones Studies, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 17-26, 2022.]
3. 3) 岡山隆之:リサイクルによる古紙パルプの物性変化について,紙パ技協誌,56巻 7号,pp. 986-992,2002. [Okayama T.: The effects of Recycling on Pulp and Paper Projects, JAPAN TAPPI JOURNAL, Vol. 56, No. 7, pp. 986-992, 2002.]
4. 4) 江前敏晴 : 紙の特性と評価方法及び規格の動向, 日本画像学会誌, 第43巻,第4号,pp. 60-68, 2004. [ENOMAE T.: Paper Properties and their Evaluation Methods with Latest Relevant Testing Standards, Journal of Printing Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 60-68, 2004.]
5. 5) 山内正仁,平田登基男,松藤康司,前野祐二,三原めぐみ,米山兼二郎:甘藷焼酎蒸留粕の有効利用に関する研究-蘇生紙作製とその物理的・力学的性質-, 廃棄物学会論文誌, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 204-213, 1999. [Yamauchi M., Hirata T., Matsufuji Y., Maeno Y., Mihara M. and Yoneyama K.: Study on the Effective Utilization of Waste Stillage from Sweet Potato-Shochu Distillery – Making of Reborn Paper and its Physical and Mechanical Properties-, JOURNAL of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 204-213, 1999.]