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2. 2) 複合構造委員会編:FRP部材の接合および鋼とFRPの接着接合に関する先端技術,土木学会,複合構造レポート 05,2012. [Committee on Hybrid Structures: Advanced technology of repair and strengthening of steel structures using externally-bonded FRP composites, Hybrid Structure Reports 05, JSCE, 2012.]
3. 3) 複合構造委員会編:FRP部材の接合および鋼とFRPの接着接合に関する先端技術,土木学会,複合構造レポート 09,2013. [Committee on Hybrid Structures: Advanced technologies of joining for FRP structures and FRP bonding for steel structures, Hybrid Structure Reports 09, JSCE, 2013.]
4. 4) 複合構造委員会編:FRP接着による構造物の補修・補強指針(案),土木学会,複合構造シリーズ 09,2018. [Committee on Hybrid Structures: Guidelines for repair and strengthening of structures using externally bonded FRP, JSCE, Hybrid Structure Series 09, 2018.]
5. 5) Nakamura, H., Yamamura, Y., Ito, H., Lin, F. and Maeda, K. : Development of pre-tensioning device for CFRP strips and applicability to repair of cracked steel members, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 1705-1717, 2014.