Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Reference16 articles.
1. 1) 宮脇成生, 鷲谷いづみ:生物多様性保全のための河川における侵略的外来植物の管理, 応用生態工学, Vol. 6(2) pp. 195–209, 2004.[Miyawaki, S., Washitani, I.: Management of invasive alien plants in riparian habitats of Japan for biodiversity conservation. Ecol. CivilEng, Vol. 6(2), 195-209, 2004.]
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5. 6) Miyazono, S., Kodama, T., Akamatsu, Y., Nakao, R. and Saito, M. : Application of environmental DNA methods for the detection and abundance estimation of invasive aquatic plant Egeria densa in lotic habitats. Limnology, Vol. 22, pp. 81-87, 2021.