Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Reference12 articles.
1. 1) 小坂田ゆかり,中村葵,中北英一:梅雨期集中豪雨の時空間特性を考慮した強雨継続時間と積算雨量の将来変化の統計分析,土木学会論文集 B1(水工学),Vol. 76,No. 2,pp. I_7-I_12,2020.[Osakada, Y., Nakamura, A. and Nakakita, E.: Statistical analysis of future changes in Baiu heavy rainfall duration and accumulated rainfall considering its spatio-temporal characterstics, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 76, No. 2, pp. I_7-I_12, 2020.]
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3. 4) Naka, Y. and Nakakita, E. : Comprehensive future projections for the line-shaped convective system associated with Baiu front in Japan under RCP scenarios using regional climate model and pseudo global warming experiments, Front. Earth Sci. 11:1093543. doi:10.3389/feart.2023.1093543, 2023.
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5. 6) 中北英一,橋本郷志,森元啓太朗,小坂田ゆかり:気候変動に伴う大気安定化及び水蒸気浸潤がゲリラ豪雨生起頻度に及ぼす影響,土木学会論文集 B1(水工学), Vol. 74,No. 5,pp. I_25-I_30,2018.[Nakakita, E., Hashimoto, G. Morimoto, K. and Osakada, Y.: An influence of atmospheric stabilization and vapor invasion on occurrence frequency of Guerrilla-heavy rainfall, Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. I_25-I_30, 2018.]