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2. 2) Takeyama, T. O-Tani, H. Oishi, S. Hori, M. and Iizuka, A. : Automatic Construction of Three-dimensional Ground Model by Data Processing, Transaction on Mechatronics, Volume: 26, pp. 2881-2887, 2021.
3. 3) 伊藤輝,竹山智英,大谷英之:地震応答解析と津波シミュレーションの入力データ自動構築と連携システムの開発,土木学会論文集 B3(海洋開発),78,pp. I_889-I_894,2021,[Ito, H.Takeyama, T.O-Tani, H.: Developments of an Automatic setting System of Input DataandaLinkageSystemforEarthwuakeSimulationand Tsunami Simulation, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Special Issue (Ocean Engineering), Vol. 78-2, p. I_889-I_894, 2022.]
4. 4) 大谷英之:自然言語類似の情報表現を媒介とする異種データ連携における統合データとしてのナレッジグラフ自動構築手法の検討,人工知能学会第二種研究会資料セマンティックウェブとオントロジー研究会,2022巻,SWO-058号,pp. 12-01-pp. 12-04,2022.[O-Tani, H.:A Study onAutomatic Construction Method
5. 5) of Knowledge Graph as Integrated Data in Heterogeneous Data Linkage Mediated by Information Representations Similar to Natural Language, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Type II Workshop Documents Semantic Web and Ontology Research Group, Vol. 2022, SWO-058, pp. 12-01-pp. 12-04, 2022.]