Susastriawan Anak Agung,Purwanto Yuli,Purnomo Purnomo,Vindo Kade,Hariyanto Adi
The work aims to investigate an effect of spray configuration and adsorbent material on performance of wet scrubber in removing tar gravimetric in producer gas. The scrubber is installed at small scale downdraft gasifier-engine system and the tests are conducted in two sections. Firstly, the scrubber is tested using water adsorbent at various spray flow configurations to the producer gas flow (cross flow, counter flow, mixed flow). Secondly, the scrubber is tested using adsorbent of cooking oil and waste of engine lubricant at cross flow spray configuration. The performance of the scrubber investigated are temperature profile, log mean temperature difference, heat transfer rate, and tar removal effectiveness. For spray configuration test, the result shows that cross spray configuration (CrS) has the optimum performance. The CsS scrubber has the highest LMTD, heat transfer rate, and tar removal efficiency among others. The values are 29.8°C, 7.84 kW, and 0.43, accordingly. Meanwhile, the test using different adsorbent indicates adsorption property of the adsorbent plays an important rules in tar removal effectiveness of the scrubber. The removal effectiveness of the scrubber for using adsorbent of water, cooking oil, and engine lubricant are 0.43, 0.12, and 0.60, respectively.