1. Inpatient Hospital Discharge Data Set. Sacramento (CA): State of California, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development; 2005.
2. Race/ethnic population with age and sex detail, 1990–1999. Sacramento (CA): State of California, Department of Finance; May 2004.
3. Race/ethnic population with age and sex detail, 2000–2050. Sacramento (CA): State of California, Department of Finance; 2004.
4. HIV prevalence estimates by county for California, 1997–2002. Sacramento (CA): State of California, Department of Health Services, Office of AIDS.
5. State of California, Department of Health Services, Office of Health Information and Records. Population, live births, deaths, maternal deaths, fetal deaths, and infant deaths, California 1970–2003. [cited 2005 Aug 31]. Available from http://www.dhs.ca.gov/hisp/chs/ohir/tables/datafiles/vsofca/0101.xls