Dash Manasi,Naik Smrutirekha,Pradhan Banshidhar
Successful development of heterotic hybrids in the autogamous sesame crop depends largely on the general combining ability of the parents as well as the specific combining ability of the hybrids produced from them. Homogeneity of Vr -Wr values and non-significance of regression coefficient (b) in a 6 parents half diallal cross were found in respect of capsule length, seeds per capsule, plant height, callus induction frequency, days to callus induction and response to somatic embryogenesis indicating validity of Hayman’s assumptions. The estimates of D, H1 and H2 components indicated predominance of non-additive gene action in the inheritance of these six traits, and the ADD estimates indicated overdominance for all these characters. The estimates of F and KD/KR indicated presence of more of dominant alleles in the parental population except for response to somatic embryogenesis. Strong positive association was recorded between seed yield and in vitro traits viz., callus induction frequency, callus fresh weight and somatic embryogenesis. This indicates that anther culture technique can assist in early screening for combining ability of parents as well as direct selection for heterotic crosses at an earlier stage of hybrid breeding programme.
The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding
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