Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources in postsalt reservoirs of the West-Central Coastal Province of Africa, 2022
Schenk Christopher J.ORCID, Mercier Tracey J.ORCID, Woodall Cheryl A.ORCID, Le Phuong A.ORCID, Cicero Andrea D.ORCID, Drake Ronald M.ORCID, Ellis Geoffrey S.ORCID, Finn Thomas M.ORCID, Gardner Michael H.ORCID, Gelman Sarah E.ORCID, Hearon Jane S.ORCID, Johnson Benjamin G.ORCID, Lagesse Jenny H.ORCID, Leathers-Miller Heidi M.ORCID, Marra Kristen R.ORCID, Timm Kira K.ORCID, Young Scott S.ORCID
US Geological Survey
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