Water-level data for the Albuquerque Basin and adjacent areas, central New Mexico, period of record through September 30, 2022


Bell Meghan T.ORCID,Montero Natalia Y.ORCID


US Geological Survey

Reference31 articles.

1. Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority [ABCWUA], 2016, Main text and appendices, vol. 1 of Water 2120—Securing our water future: Albuquerque, N. Mex., Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, 309 p. [Also available at https://www.abcwua.org/wp-content/uploads/Your_Drinking_Water-PDFs/Water_2120_Volume_I.pdf.]

2. ABCWUA, 2023, Your water authority overview: Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority website, accessed May 5, 2023, at www.abcwua.org/your-water-authority-overview.

3. Bell, M.T., and Montero, N.Y., 2022, Water-level data for the Albuquerque Basin and adjacent areas, central New Mexico, period of record through September 30, 2021: U.S. Geological Survey Data Report 1162, 43 p. [Also available at https://doi.org/10.3133/dr1162.]

4. Beman, J.E., 2007, Water-level data for the Albuquerque Basin and adjacent areas, central New Mexico, period of record through September 30, 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007–1273, 34 p. [Also available at https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20071273.]

5. Beman, J.E., 2008, Water-level data for the Albuquerque Basin and adjacent areas, central New Mexico, period of record through September 30, 2007: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008–1255, 32 p. [Also available at https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20081255.]








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