Physics to fish—Understanding the factors that create and sustain native fish habitat in the San Francisco Estuary
Brown Larry R.ORCID, Ayers David E.ORCID, Bergamaschi Brian A.ORCID, Burau Jon R.ORCID, Dailey Evan T.ORCID, Downing Bryan D.ORCID, Downing-Kunz Maureen A.ORCID, Feyrer Frederick V.ORCID, Huntsman Brock M.ORCID, Kraus Tamara E. C.ORCID, Morgan TaraORCID, Lacy Jessica R.ORCID, Parchaso FrancisORCID, Ruhl Catherine A.ORCID, Stumpner ElizabethORCID, Stumpner PaulORCID, Thompson JanetORCID, Young Matthew J.ORCID
US Geological Survey
Reference240 articles.
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