Ecological effects of pinyon-juniper removal in the Western United States—A synthesis of scientific research, January 2014–March 2021
Shinneman Douglas J.ORCID, McIlroy Susan K.ORCID, Poessel Sharon AORCID, Downing Rosemary L.ORCID, Johnson Tracey N.ORCID, Young Aaron C.ORCID, Katzner Todd E.ORCID
US Geological Survey
Reference167 articles.
1. Aanderud, Z.T., Schoolmaster, D.R., Rigby, D., Bybee, J., Campbell, T., and Roundy, B.A., 2017, Soils mediate the impact of fine woody debris on invasive and native grasses as whole trees are mechanically shredded into firebreaks in piñon-juniper woodlands: Journal of Arid Environments, v. 137, p. 60–68. [V-E; UNK] 2. Abdallah, M.A.B., Mata-González, R., Noller, J.S., and Ochoa, C.G., 2020, Ecosystem carbon in relation to woody plant encroachment and control—Juniper systems in Oregon, USA: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, v. 290, article 106762, 10 p. [Also available at] [V-E; 1] 3. Albert, S., Luna, N., Jensen, R., and Livingston, L., 2004, Restoring biodiversity to pinyon-juniper woodlands: Ecological Restoration, v. 22, no. 1, p. 18–23. [Also available at] 4. Arkle, R.S., Pilliod, D.S., Hanser, S.E., Brooks, M.L., Chambers, J.C., Grace, J.B., Knutson, K.C., Pyke, D.A., Welty, J.L., and Wirth, T.A., 2014, Quantifying restoration effectiveness using multi-scale habitat models—Implications for sage-grouse in the Great Basin: Ecosphere, v. 5, no. 3, article 31, 32 p. [Also available at] 5. Ashcroft, N.K., Jr., Fernald, A.G., VanLeeuwen, D.M., Baker, T.T., Cibils, A.F., and Boren, J.C., 2017, The effects of thinning trees and scattering slash on runoff and sediment yield within dense pinõn-juniper woodlands in New Mexico, United States: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, v. 72, no. 2, p. 122–130. [V-E; 2]
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