2. adıyaman il sağlık müdürlüğü
Determining the factors affecting the incidence of depressive symptoms in women is important for the planning and delivery of mental health services. The research group of this descriptive and cross-sectional study consists of 585 female trainees attending the vocational training course in Aksaray. In May and June 2017, sociodemographic information and questions about mental status, General Health Questionnaire 12 form and Back Depression Scale were applied to the trainees. In statistical analysis, number, percentage distribution, chi-square test, Fisher exact chi-square test, Mantel Haenszel chi-square test, Yates correction and Logistic Regression analysis were used when necessary. The rate of women showing depressive symptoms is 15.6%. There is a significant relationship between the education level of the spouse, the status of the children, the monthly income of the family, income level assessments, income-expenditure adequacy, antidepressant drug use, smoking, financial distress, problems with children, and mental health status and depression symptoms. The incidence of depressive symptoms in women was found to be higher in those who did not find their monthly income sufficient, those who used or used antidepressants, and those who had problems with their children. Among women, 23.9% used antidepressant medication in the past and at the time of the study. A significant correlation was found between the use of antidepressant medication according to age and the status of being diagnosed with a mental illness. 11.4% of those using antidepressant medication were not diagnosed with mental illness. Increasing the income level of women and making awareness studies on the issue of correcting the problems experienced in the family, especially with children, the value of women's labor and their steady income, and the provision of social security can be protective in terms of preventing depressive symptoms. Protecting mental health and preventing inappropriate antidepressant use will be effective in preventing the burden of diseases that may occur on society.
Eskisehir Turk Dunyasi Uygulama ve Arastirma Merkezi Halk Sagligi Dergisi
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