1. Agy, V., J. Geophys. Research, 59, 4, 499 (1954).
2. Meek, J. H., J. Geophys. Research, 57, 2, 177 (1952).
3. New Soviet Researches, Explorations and Discoveries in the Central Arctic. Izv. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Geog., No. 5, 3 (1954). English translation in Canadian Defence Research Board Pub. T 165 R (Ottawa, 1954).
4. Hope, E. R., Canadian Defence Research Board Pub., T 165 R (Ottawa, 1954).
5. Piggott, W. R., Nature, 171, 124 (1953). See also Agy, V., Nature, 173, 445 (1954).