1. Faulkner, C. R., Nature, 187, 926 (1960).
2. King-Hele, D. G., in Space Research, edit. by Kallmann, H., 8 (North Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1960).
3. Notni, P., and Oleak, H., Veröffentl. d. Sternw. Babelsberg, 13, Heft 3 (1959). (R.A.E. Farnborough Lib. Trans. 868.) Also Heft 5 (1960).
4. Zessewitch, W. P., in Trans. Astro. Union, 10, 722 (1958) (Camb. Univ. Press, 1960).
5. Zessewitch, W. P., Bull. of Stations of Opt. Obs. of Art. Earth Satellites, 7, 3 (Moscow, 1959). (in Russian).