1. Cuthbertson, D. C., Biochem. J., 24, 1244 (1930); for review, see Lancet, i, 433 (1942).
2. Clark, E. J., Peters, R. A., and Rossiter, R. J., Report to Med. Res. Council (1943) and Quart. J. Exp. Physiol. (in the press).
3. Taylor, F. H. L., Levenson, S. M., Davidson, C. S., Browder, N. C., and Lund, C. C., Ann. Surg., 118, 215 (1943).
4. Croft, P. B., and Peters, R. A., Report to Med. Res. Council (1944) and Lancet (in the press).
5. Wilson, W. C., unpublished reports to War Office and Med. Res. Council (1942). Wells, D. B., et al., New Engl. J. Med., 226, 629 (1942). Erb, I. H., Morgan, E. M., and Farrer, A. W., Ann. Surg., 117, 234 (1943).