1. Health and Safety Executive. Compliance with IRR99: Action with professional organisations for dental practices and chiropractors. HSE Radiation Protection News 2010.
2. Ionising radiations regulations 1999. London: the Stationery Office, 1999. Online regulations available at
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3. Ionising radiation (medical exposure) regulations 2000. London: the Stationery Office, 2000 (amended 2006 and 2011).
4. National Radiological Protection Board. Guidance notes for dental practitioners on the safe use of x-ray equipment. London: NRPB, 2001. Online guidance available at
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5. Hart D, Wall B F, Hillier M C, Shrimpton P C . HPA-CRCE-012: frequency and collective dose for medical and dental x-ray examinations in the UK. Didcot: Health Protection Agency Report, 2008. Online article available at
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