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2. Minnesota Board of Dentistry. Advanced dental therapist scope of practice. Minneapolis: Minnesota Board of Dentistry, 2009. Online scope of practice available at http://www.dentalboard.state.mn.us/Portals/3/Licensing/Dental%20Therapist/ADTSCOPE.pdf (accessed July 2013).
3. Gorman A . Traditional dentistry wary of dental therapists. LA: Los Angeles Times, 2012. Online article available at http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jun/03/local/la-me-dental-battle-20120603 (accessed July 2013).
4. ABC News. Dental therapists fill a void but dentists question their training. ABC News, 2012.
5. University of Minnesota. Master of dental therapy program: a one-of-a-kind program. Online information available at http://www.dentistry.umn.edu/programs-admissions/advanced-programs/dental-therapy/index.htm (accessed July 2013).