1. White, W. B. in The Science of Speleology (eds Ford, T. D. & Cullingford, C. H. D.) ch. 8 (Academic, London, 1976).
2. Tratman, E. K. (ed.) The Caves of North-West Clare, Ireland (David and Charles, Newton Abbot, 1969).
3. Waltham, A. C. (ed.) Limestones and Caves of North-West England (David and Charles, Newton Abbot, 1974).
4. Smith, D. I. Limestones and Caves of the Mendip Hills (David and Charles, Newton Abbot, (1975).
5. Thompson, P. Dept. of Geology Tech. Memo. 73-9, (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, (1973).