1. Schroeder, W. W., and Strasheim, A., Ninth Coll. Spectros. Intern., Lyon, June 5–10, 1961 (in the press).
2. Bardócz, A., Vörós, I., and Vanyek, A. M., Spectrochim. Acta, 17, 642 (1961).
3. Bardócz, A., Ninth Coll. Spectros. Intern., Lyon, June 5–10, 1961 (in the press).
4. Bardócz, A., Rev. Univ. Mines, 9, 344 (1959).
5. Strasheim, A., and Schroeder, W. W., Rev. Univ. Mines, 9, 331 (1959).