1. Sorsby A . The Causes of Blindness in England 1948–1950. HMSO: London, UK, 1953.
2. Sorsby A . Blindness in England 1951–1954. HMSO: London, UK, 1956.
3. Sorsby A . The Incidence and Causes of Blindness in England and Wales 1948–62. Reports of Public Health and Medical Subjects. Vol 114 HMSO: London, UK, 1966.
4. Sorsby A . The incidence and causes of blindness in England and Wales 1963–8. Reports of Public Health and Medical Subjects. Vol 128 HMSO: London, UK, 1972.
5. Department of Health and Social Security. Blindness and Partial Sight in England 1969–76. Reports of Public Health and Medical Subjects. Vol 129 HMSO: London, UK, 1979.