1. World Health Organization. Global Hepatitis Report 2024: Action for Access in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (WHO, 2024).
2. Cooke, G. S. et al. Progress towards elimination of viral hepatitis: a Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Commission update. Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 9, 346–365 (2024).
3. World Health Organization. Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Care and Treatment for People with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection (WHO, 2024).
4. Egypt becomes the first country to achieve WHO validation on the path to elimination of hepatitis C. World Health Organization https://www.emro.who.int/media/news/egypt-becomes-the-first-country-to-achieve-who-validation-on-the-path-to-elimination-of-hepatitis-c.html (2023).