Auditory feedback in learning and maintenance of vocal behaviour


Brainard Michael S.,Doupe Allison J.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Neuroscience

Reference106 articles.

1. Marler, P. & Tamura, M. Culturally transmitted patterns of vocal behavior in sparrows. Science 146, 1483–1486 (1964).

2. Thorpe, W. H. The learning of song patterns by birds with especial reference to the song of the chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs. Ibis 100 , 535–570 (1958).

3. Immelmann, K. in Bird Vocalizations (ed. Hinde, R. A.) 61–74 (Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1969).

4. Marler, P. A comparative approach to vocal learning: song development in white-crowned sparrows. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 71, 1–25 (1970).This important work describes many aspects of vocal learning in white-crowned sparrows, including imitation of tutor song, critical periods for sensory learning, the structure of songs of birds raised in isolation, the stability of adult song and the innate selectivity for the species own song. The discussion highlights the numerous parallels between bird song and speech learning, and stresses the importance of studying natural behaviours for understanding what the nervous system evolved to do.

5. Konishi, M. The role of auditory feedback in the control of vocalization in the white-crowned sparrow. Z. Tierpsychol. 22, 770– 783 (1965).This seminal work showed that deafening after tutoring but before song motor learning has profound effects on the vocalizations of white-crowned sparrows, whereas deafening of adult sparrows has little effect on their song. This showed that hearing was crucial not only for memorizing the tutor song, but for learning to produce a copy of it, and led to the concept of a stored template, formed during exposure to tutor, and later used to guide motor learning.

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