1. Odds, F. C. in Candida and Candidosis. (Bailliere Tindall, London, UK, 1988). Beautifully written account of Candida research up to the late 1980s.
2. Calderone, R. A. in Candida and Candidiasis. (ed. Calderone, R. A.) 3–13 (ASM Press, Washington DC, 2002).
3. Tibayrenc, M. Are Candida albicans natural populations subdivided? Trends Microbiol. 5, 253–254 (1997).
4. Vilgalys, R., Graser, Y., Schonian, G. & Presber, W. Is Candida albicans clonal or recombining? Trends Microbiol. 5, 254–257 (1997). References 3 and 4 summarize the conclusions regarding sexual recombination reached from population studies of C. albicans.
5. Xu, J. & Mitchell, T. G. in Candida and Candidiasis. (ed. Calderone, R. A.) 55–64 (ASM Press, Washington DC, 2002).