The multicentre randomised SPARC trial evaluated the efficacy of a nurse-led sexual rehabilitation intervention on sexual functioning, distress, dilator use, and vaginal symptoms after radiotherapy for gynaecological cancers.
Eligible women were randomised to the rehabilitation intervention or care-as-usual. Four intervention sessions were scheduled over 12 months, with concurrent validated questionnaires and clinical assessments. Primary outcome was the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). A generalised-mixed-effects model compared groups over time.
In total, 229 women were included (n = 112 intervention; n = 117 care-as-usual). No differences in FSFI total scores were found between groups at any timepoint (P = 0.37), with 12-month scores of 22.57 (intervention) versus 21.76 (care-as-usual). The intervention did not significantly improve dilator use, reduce sexual distress or vaginal symptoms compared to care-as-usual. At 12 months, both groups had minimal physician-reported vaginal stenosis; 70% of women were sexually active and reported no or mild vaginal symptoms. After radiotherapy and brachytherapy, 85% (intervention) versus 75% (care-as-usual) of participants reported dilation twice weekly.
Sexual rehabilitation for women treated with combined (chemo)radiotherapy and brachytherapy improved before and during the SPARC trial, which likely contributed to comparable study groups. Best practice involves a sexual rehabilitation appointment 1 month post-radiotherapy, including patient information, with dilator guidance, preferably by a trained nurse, and follow-up during the first year after treatment.
Clinical trial registration
Springer Science and Business Media LLC