Highly accurate protein structure prediction for the human proteome


Tunyasuvunakool KathrynORCID,Adler JonasORCID,Wu Zachary,Green TimORCID,Zielinski Michal,Žídek Augustin,Bridgland Alex,Cowie Andrew,Meyer Clemens,Laydon Agata,Velankar SameerORCID,Kleywegt Gerard J.ORCID,Bateman AlexORCID,Evans RichardORCID,Pritzel Alexander,Figurnov Michael,Ronneberger Olaf,Bates Russ,Kohl Simon A. A.ORCID,Potapenko Anna,Ballard Andrew J.,Romera-Paredes Bernardino,Nikolov Stanislav,Jain Rishub,Clancy Ellen,Reiman David,Petersen Stig,Senior Andrew W.ORCID,Kavukcuoglu Koray,Birney EwanORCID,Kohli Pushmeet,Jumper JohnORCID,Hassabis DemisORCID


AbstractProtein structures can provide invaluable information, both for reasoning about biological processes and for enabling interventions such as structure-based drug development or targeted mutagenesis. After decades of effort, 17% of the total residues in human protein sequences are covered by an experimentally determined structure1. Here we markedly expand the structural coverage of the proteome by applying the state-of-the-art machine learning method, AlphaFold2, at a scale that covers almost the entire human proteome (98.5% of human proteins). The resulting dataset covers 58% of residues with a confident prediction, of which a subset (36% of all residues) have very high confidence. We introduce several metrics developed by building on the AlphaFold model and use them to interpret the dataset, identifying strong multi-domain predictions as well as regions that are likely to be disordered. Finally, we provide some case studies to illustrate how high-quality predictions could be used to generate biological hypotheses. We are making our predictions freely available to the community and anticipate that routine large-scale and high-accuracy structure prediction will become an important tool that will allow new questions to be addressed from a structural perspective.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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