1. Samuel, A. L., IBM J. Res. Dev., 3, 210 (1959).
2. Michie, D., Research Memorandum MIP-R-29, Dept. Machine Intelligence and Perception (Edinburgh Univ., 1968).
3. Burstall, R. M., and Popplestone, R. J., Machine Intelligence 2 (edit. by Dale, E., and Michie, D.), 207 (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1968); POP-2 Papers (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1968).
4. Popplestone, R. J., Research Memorandum MIP-R-30, Dept. Machine Intelligence and Perception (Edinburgh Univ., 1968).
5. Michie, D., and Chambers, R. A., Machine Intelligence 2 (edit. by Dale, E., and Michie, D.), 137 (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1968).