1. Irene Mounce : (1) “Homothallism and the production of fruit-bodies by monosporous mycelia in the genus Coprinus,” Trans. Brit. Mycolog. Soc., viii., 1921, pp. 198–217. Also (2) “Homothallism and heterothallism in the genus Coprinus,” ibid. 1922, pp. 256–269. An account of the experiments made with Coprinus narcoticus has not yet been published.
2. Hans Kniep : (1) “Über morphologische und physiologische Geschlechts-differenzierung,” Verhandl. der physikal.—med. Gesellschaft zu Würzburg, xlvi., 1919; (2) “Über Geschlechtsbestimmung und Reduktionsteilung,” ibid. xlvii., 1922; (3)"Über erbliche Änderungen von Geschlechtsfactoren bei Pilzen,” Zeitsch. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererb., xxx., 1923.
3. W. F. Hanna, “The Problem fo Sex in Coprinous lagopus.” To Appear shortly in the Annals of Botany.
4. R. Vandendries, “Contribution nouvelle à l'étude de la sexualité des Basidiomycètes,” La Cellule, xxxv., 1924.
5. D. Newton, paper shortly to be sent to the press.