1. Rice, F. O., and Sparrow, C., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 75, 848 (1953). Rice, F. O., and Ditter, J., ibid., 75, 6066 (1953). Schenk, P. W., Z. angew. Chemie, 65, 325 (1953). Freund, T., J. Chem. Phys., 21, 180 (1953).
2. Braune, H., Peters, S., and Neveling, V., Z. Naturforsch., 6, a, 32 (1951); 7, a, 486 (1952).
3. Extensive publication of method, data and interpretation in Helv. Chim. Acta; see also, Meyer, B., thesis, Zurich (1960).
4. Herzberg, G., “Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure of Two-Atomic Molecules” (New York, 1950).
5. Crawford, M. F., and Dagg, J. R., Phys. Rev., 91, 1569 (1953). Smith, A. L., Keller, W. E., and Johnston, H. L., ibid., 79, 728 (1950). Welsh, H. L., Crawford, M. F., MacDonald, J. C. F., and Chisholm, D. A., ibid., 83, 1264 (1951). Bass, A. M., and Broida, H. P., J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 47, 163 (1957).