AbstractThis dataset was collected to study the functional consequences of age-related hearing loss for the auditory nerve, which carries acoustic information from the periphery to the central auditory system. Using high-impedance glass electrodes, raw voltage traces and spike times were recorded from more than one thousand single fibres of the auditory nerve of young-adult, middle-aged, and old Mongolian gerbils raised in a quiet environment. The dataset contains not only responses to simple acoustic stimuli to characterize the fibres, but also to more complex stimuli, such as speech logatomes in background noise and Schroeder-phase stimuli. A software toolbox is provided to search through the dataset, to plot various analysed outcomes, and to give insight into the analyses. This dataset may serve as a valuable resource to test further hypotheses about age-related hearing loss. Additionally, it can aid in optimizing available computational models of the auditory system, which can contribute to, or eventually even fully replace, animal experiments.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Springer Science and Business Media LLC