AbstractSierra Nevada (southern Iberian Peninsula) harbours a great biodiversity and the studies on some aquatic insect groups have been and continue to be numerous there. This database brings together information on Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera inhabiting running waters of this mountain system above 800 m of altitude. It includes data on the number, life stage and sex of individuals as well as the available information on abiotic characteristics of their habitats. The dataset is composed of 1,718 sampling events carried out between 1901 and 2022 in approximately 60 different water bodies, 15,347 occurrences pertaining to more than 203,000 individuals, and 10,173 records of associated measurements (23 physico-chemical parameters). The dataset is the result of a comprehensive review of scientific literature and of integrating data from recent research projects and the Sierra Nevada Global-Change Observatory’s long-term monitoring data. This information is valuable for those studying past distributions and abundances of the species in the dataset, for building predictive models or just studying temporal trends in the current context of climate change.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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