Measurements of aerosol microphysical and chemical properties in the central Arctic atmosphere during MOSAiC


Heutte BenjaminORCID,Bergner Nora,Beck Ivo,Angot HélèneORCID,Dada Lubna,Quéléver Lauriane L. J.,Laurila Tiia,Boyer Matthew,Brasseur Zoé,Daellenbach Kaspar R.,Henning SilviaORCID,Kuang Chongai,Kulmala MarkkuORCID,Lampilahti Janne,Lampimäki MarkusORCID,Petäjä TuukkaORCID,Shupe Matthew D.ORCID,Sipilä Mikko,Uin JanekORCID,Jokinen Tuija,Schmale JuliaORCID


AbstractThe Arctic environment is transforming rapidly due to climate change. Aerosols’ abundance and physicochemical characteristics play a crucial, yet uncertain, role in these changes due to their influence on the surface energy budget through direct interaction with solar radiation and indirectly via cloud formation. Importantly, Arctic aerosol properties are also changing in response to climate change. Despite their importance, year-round measurements of their characteristics are sparse in the Arctic and often confined to lower latitudes at Arctic land-based stations and/or short high-latitude summertime campaigns. Here, we present unique aerosol microphysics and chemical composition datasets collected during the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition, in the central Arctic. These datasets, which include aerosol particle number concentrations, size distributions, cloud condensation nuclei concentrations, fluorescent aerosol concentrations and properties, and aerosol bulk chemical composition (black carbon, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, chloride, and organics) will serve to improve our understanding of high-Arctic aerosol processes, with relevance towards improved modelling of the future Arctic (and global) climate.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Library and Information Sciences,Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Computer Science Applications,Education,Information Systems,Statistics and Probability

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1. Observations for Chemistry (In Situ): Particles;Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences;2024







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