1. Guilbert, J.-J., and Rousse-Lacordaire, C., (with contributions from Pages, J. C., and Fenelon, T. P.), Opinions des Enseignants sur les Examens en Faculté de Medecine (Teachers' Opinions of Medical Examinations) (Ministry of Education, Paris, 1967, in French).
2. Nuttall, D. L., and Skurnik, L. S., Examination and Item Analysis Manual (National Foundation for Educational Research, 1969).
3. Gronlund, N., Constructing Achievement Tests (Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1968).
4. Chauncey, H., and Dobbin, J. E., Testing: Its Place in Education Today (Harper and Row, New York, 1963).
5. Macintosh, H. G., and Morrison, R. B., Objective Testing (University of London Press, 1969).