1. Boss, A. P. & Peale, S. J. in Origin of the Moon (eds Hartmann, W. K., Phillips, R. J. & Taylor, G. J.) 59–101 (Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1986).
2. Urey, H. C. in Physics and Astronomy of the Moon (ed. Kopal, Z.) 481–523 (Academic, New York, 1962).
3. Ruskol, E. L. NASA spec. Publ. 370, 815–822 (1972).
4. Mizuno, H. & Boss, A. P. Icarus 63, 109–133 (1984).
5. Herbert, F., Davis, D. R. & Weidenschilling, S. J. in Origin of the Moon (eds Hartmann, W. K., Phillips, R. J. & Taylor, G. J.) 701–730 (Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 1986).