1. See The Mneme by R. Semon, London, 1921, particularly pp. 24, 113, 180, 211; and Hering's paper “On Memory, a Universal Attribute of organized Matter” in Alm. Akad. Wiss. Wien., 20, 253 (1870).
2. The Philosophy of a Biologist, 162 (London, 1931).
3. “A Cybernetical Aspect of Genetics”, J. Hered., 41, 19 (1950).
4. Schrödinger, E., What is Life?, especially pp. 19–20, 61–62, 68 (Cambridge, 1944). For Weismann's far-sighted views on the matter, see The Architecture of Matter by Toulmin, S., and Goodfield, J. (London, 1962).
5. In my Tizard Memorial Lecture, Encounter (August 1965).