TP63 basal cells are indispensable during endoderm differentiation into proximal airway cells on acellular lung scaffolds


Bilodeau Claudia,Shojaie Sharareh,Goltsis Olivia,Wang Jinxia,Luo Daochun,Ackerley Cameron,M Rogers IanORCID,Cox Brian,Post MartinORCID


AbstractThe use of decellularized whole-organ scaffolds for bioengineering of organs is a promising avenue to circumvent the shortage of donor organs for transplantation. However, recellularization of acellular scaffolds from multicellular organs like the lung with a variety of different cell types remains a challenge. Multipotent cells could be an ideal cell source for recellularization. Here we investigated the hierarchical differentiation process of multipotent ES-derived endoderm cells into proximal airway epithelial cells on acellular lung scaffolds. The first cells to emerge on the scaffolds were TP63+ cells, followed by TP63+/KRT5+ basal cells, and finally multi-ciliated and secretory airway epithelial cells. TP63+/KRT5+ basal cells on the scaffolds simultaneously expressed KRT14, like basal cells involved in airway repair after injury. Removal of TP63 by CRISPR/Cas9 in the ES cells halted basal and airway cell differentiation on the scaffolds. These findings suggest that differentiation of ES-derived endoderm cells into airway cells on decellularized lung scaffolds proceeds via TP63+ basal cell progenitors and tracks a regenerative repair pathway. Understanding the process of differentiation is key for choosing the cell source for repopulation of a decellularized organ scaffold. Our data support the use of airway basal cells for repopulating the airway side of an acellular lung scaffold.


Gouvernement du Canada | Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cell Biology,Developmental Biology,Biomedical Engineering,Medicine (miscellaneous)







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