1. Steuart, James, "Notes on Ceylon", etc. London, 1862. (Whale Shark, p. 156.)
2. Haley, A., "On the Occurrence of Rhinodon typicus Smith on the West Coast of Ceylon". Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5 ser., 12, 48–49; 1883. "On Rhinodon typicus". Rept. Director Colombo Mus. for 1883, in Ceylon Adminstr. Repts. for 1883, pp. 129D–130D; 1884. "On Rhinodon typicus". Rept. Director Colombo Mus. for 1889, in Ceylon Administr. Repts. for 1889, p. 14; 1890.
3. Gudger, E. W., "The Fourth Florida Whale Shark, Rhineodon typus, and the American Museum Model Based on It". Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 61, 613–637, 10 pls., 4 text-figs.; 1931.
4. Günther, A. C. L., "The Basking Shark [Rhinodon typus] of the Indo-Pacific Region". Graphic, London, p. 310, text-fig.; 1889.
5. Thurston, Edgar, "Inspection of Ceylon Pearl Banks". Bull. Madras Govt. Mus. No. 1 (Whale Shark, pp. 36–38, pl. IIIA); 1894.