Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds


Clark Bethany L.ORCID,Carneiro Ana P. B.ORCID,Pearmain Elizabeth J.ORCID,Rouyer Marie-MorganeORCID,Clay Thomas A.ORCID,Cowger WinORCID,Phillips Richard A.,Manica AndreaORCID,Hazin Carolina,Eriksen Marcus,González-Solís JacobORCID,Adams Josh,Albores-Barajas Yuri V.ORCID,Alfaro-Shigueto Joanna,Alho Maria SaldanhaORCID,Araujo Deusa Teixeira,Arcos José ManuelORCID,Arnould John P. Y.,Barbosa Nadito J. P.,Barbraud Christophe,Beard Annalea M.ORCID,Beck JessieORCID,Bell Elizabeth A.ORCID,Bennet Della G.ORCID,Berlincourt Maud,Biscoito ManuelORCID,Bjørnstad Oskar K.,Bolton Mark,Booth Jones Katherine A.,Borg John J.ORCID,Bourgeois Karen,Bretagnolle Vincent,Bried JoëlORCID,Briskie James V.,Brooke M. de L.,Brownlie Katherine C.,Bugoni LeandroORCID,Calabrese LiciaORCID,Campioni LetiziaORCID,Carey Mark J.,Carle Ryan D.,Carlile NicholasORCID,Carreiro Ana R.ORCID,Catry PauloORCID,Catry TeresaORCID,Cecere Jacopo G.ORCID,Ceia Filipe R.,Cherel YvesORCID,Choi Chang-YongORCID,Cianchetti-Benedetti Marco,Clarke Rohan H.ORCID,Cleeland Jaimie B.ORCID,Colodro Valentina,Congdon Bradley C.,Danielsen JóhannisORCID,De Pascalis FedericoORCID,Deakin ZoeORCID,Dehnhard NinaORCID,Dell’Omo GiacomoORCID,Delord Karine,Descamps SébastienORCID,Dilley Ben J.,Dinis Herculano A.,Dubos Jerome,Dunphy Brendon J.,Emmerson Louise M.,Fagundes Ana Isabel,Fayet Annette L.ORCID,Felis Jonathan J.,Fischer Johannes H.ORCID,Freeman Amanda N. D.ORCID,Fromant Aymeric,Gaibani Giorgia,García David,Gjerdrum CarinaORCID,Gomes Ivandra Soeli Gonçalves Correia,Forero Manuela G.,Granadeiro José P.ORCID,Grecian W. JamesORCID,Grémillet DavidORCID,Guilford Tim,Hallgrimsson Gunnar Thor,Halpin Luke R.ORCID,Hansen Erpur SnærORCID,Hedd AprilORCID,Helberg Morten,Helgason Halfdan H.,Henry Leeann M.,Hereward Hannah F. R.ORCID,Hernandez-Montero Marcos,Hindell Mark A.ORCID,Hodum Peter J.,Imperio SimonaORCID,Jaeger AudreyORCID,Jessopp MarkORCID,Jodice Patrick G. R.ORCID,Jones Carl G.,Jones Christopher W.ORCID,Jónsson Jón EinarORCID,Kane Adam,Kapelj Sven,Kim Yuna,Kirk HollyORCID,Kolbeinsson YannORCID,Kraemer Philipp L.,Krüger LucasORCID,Lago PauloORCID,Landers Todd J.,Lavers Jennifer L.ORCID,Le Corre Matthieu,Leal Andreia,Louzao Maite,Madeiros Jeremy,Magalhães Maria,Mallory Mark L.ORCID,Masello Juan F.,Massa Bruno,Matsumoto Sakiko,McDuie FionaORCID,McFarlane Tranquilla Laura,Medrano FernandoORCID,Metzger Benjamin J.ORCID,Militão TeresaORCID,Montevecchi William A.,Montone Rosalinda C.ORCID,Navarro-Herrero LeiaORCID,Neves Verónica C.ORCID,Nicholls David G.,Nicoll Malcolm A. C.,Norris Ken,Oppel SteffenORCID,Oro Daniel,Owen Ellie,Padget Oliver,Paiva Vítor H.ORCID,Pala David,Pereira Jorge M.,Péron ClaraORCID,Petry Maria V.ORCID,de Pina Admilton,Pina Ariete T. Moreira,Pinet Patrick,Pistorius Pierre A.,Pollet Ingrid L.ORCID,Porter Benjamin J.,Poupart Timothée A.ORCID,Powell Christopher D. L.,Proaño Carolina B.,Pujol-Casado Júlia,Quillfeldt Petra,Quinn John L.,Raine Andre F.,Raine Helen,Ramírez Iván,Ramos Jaime A.ORCID,Ramos RaülORCID,Ravache Andreas,Rayner Matt J.ORCID,Reid Timothy A.,Robertson Gregory J.ORCID,Rocamora Gerard J.,Rollinson Dominic P.,Ronconi Robert A.,Rotger AndreuORCID,Rubolini DiegoORCID,Ruhomaun Kevin,Ruiz Asunción,Russell James C.,Ryan Peter G.ORCID,Saldanha SarahORCID,Sanz-Aguilar Ana,Sardà-Serra Mariona,Satgé Yvan G.ORCID,Sato KatsufumiORCID,Schäfer Wiebke C.ORCID,Schoombie StefanORCID,Shaffer Scott A.ORCID,Shah Nirmal,Shoji AkikoORCID,Shutler Dave,Sigurðsson Ingvar A.,Silva Mónica C.,Small Alison E.,Soldatini CeciliaORCID,Strøm Hallvard,Surman Christopher A.,Takahashi AkinoriORCID,Tatayah Vikash R. V.,Taylor Graeme A.ORCID,Thomas Robert J.,Thompson David R.,Thompson Paul M.,Thórarinsson Thorkell L.,Vicente-Sastre DiegoORCID,Vidal EricORCID,Wakefield Ewan D.,Waugh Susan M.,Weimerskirch Henri,Wittmer Heiko U.ORCID,Yamamoto Takashi,Yoda KenORCID,Zavalaga Carlos B.ORCID,Zino Francis J.,Dias Maria P.ORCID


AbstractPlastic pollution is distributed patchily around the world’s oceans. Likewise, marine organisms that are vulnerable to plastic ingestion or entanglement have uneven distributions. Understanding where wildlife encounters plastic is crucial for targeting research and mitigation. Oceanic seabirds, particularly petrels, frequently ingest plastic, are highly threatened, and cover vast distances during foraging and migration. However, the spatial overlap between petrels and plastics is poorly understood. Here we combine marine plastic density estimates with individual movement data for 7137 birds of 77 petrel species to estimate relative exposure risk. We identify high exposure risk areas in the Mediterranean and Black seas, and the northeast Pacific, northwest Pacific, South Atlantic and southwest Indian oceans. Plastic exposure risk varies greatly among species and populations, and between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Exposure risk is disproportionately high for Threatened species. Outside the Mediterranean and Black seas, exposure risk is highest in the high seas and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of the USA, Japan, and the UK. Birds generally had higher plastic exposure risk outside the EEZ of the country where they breed. We identify conservation and research priorities, and highlight that international collaboration is key to addressing the impacts of marine plastic on wide-ranging species.


Cambridge Conservation Initiative’s Collaborative Fund sponsored by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Cambridge, UK.

RCUK | Natural Environment Research Council


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Chemistry,Multidisciplinary







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