ALKBH5 controls the meiosis-coupled mRNA clearance in oocytes by removing the N 6-methyladenosine methylation


Bai LongORCID,Xiang Yu,Tang Minyue,Liu Shuangying,Chen Qingqing,Chen Qichao,Zhang MinORCID,Wan Shan,Sang Yimiao,Li Qingfang,Wang Sisi,Li Zhekun,Song Yang,Hu Xiaoling,Mao Luna,Feng Guofang,Cui LongORCID,Ye Yinghui,Zhu YiminORCID


AbstractN6-methyladenosine (m6A) maintains maternal RNA stability in oocytes. One regulator of m6A, ALKBH5, reverses m6A deposition and is essential in RNA metabolism. However, the specific role of ALKBH5 in oocyte maturation remains elusive. Here, we show that Alkbh5 depletion causes a wide range of defects in oocyte meiosis and results in female infertility. Temporal profiling of the maternal transcriptomes revealed striking RNA accumulation in Alkbh5−/− oocytes during meiotic maturation. Analysis of m6A dynamics demonstrated that ALKBH5-mediated m6A demethylation ensures the timely degradation of maternal RNAs, which is severely disrupted following Alkbh5−/− depletion. A distinct subset of transcripts with persistent m6A peaks are recognized by the m6A reader IGF2BP2 and thus remain stabilized, resulting in impaired RNA clearance. Additionally, reducing IGF2BP2 in Alkbh5-depleted oocytes partially rescued these defects. Overall, this work identifies ALKBH5 as a key determinant of oocyte quality and unveil the facilitating role of ALKBH5-mediated m6A removal in maternal RNA decay.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Chemistry,Multidisciplinary







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